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Neal Hamilton- Atlanta, Georgia

December 28, 2017

Neal Hamilton

Digital Photographer/ Fine Art

Neal brings diverse business and entertainment experiences to FTV NETWORK. Neal’s former position was the chief photographer for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum for ten years.

Neal’s experience includes running a commercial art firm and photography studio.  Currently, he is the owner of PAINT LOUD LLC which specializes in fine art, design and merchandising.
More information about Neal can be found on his website:

John Nacion Imaging - New York, New York

December 28, 2017

John Nacion Imaging ... Entertainment, Fashion & Lifestyle imaging.

Haute Ohio Magazine - Cleveland, Ohio

December 28, 2017

Haute Ohio Magazine is committed to elevating high fashion, couture style and fashion professionals hailing from or operating in Ohio and The Midwest.  Our goal is to promote awareness of our world-class level of talent and offer opportunities to locate, browse work and obtain booking information for all of our featured professionals. We also strive to be a "go to" publication for insiders as a networking tool, continuing education tool and platform to shine.


December 28, 2017

The Women & Fashion FilmFest (WFF) is a festival and conference gathering leaders in fashion, entertainment and media to foster social responsibility and create opportunities for emerging artists, particularly women and under-represented groups. Its partners include the United Nations Association Film Festival and Maritage International, a non-profit driven by UN leaders focusing on empowering women through the arts. WFF is recognized as a Full Member of the International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication (ICFT) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). a film festival, but also a conference to foster discussion on issues affecting women. We also seek to examine industry issues, to nurture social responsibility, to support the creative development of women and youth through our screenings and programs, and to honor leaders in these fields for outstanding artistic, societal and communal contributions.

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